Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hatchie River and it's wildlife are being threatened by Industrial Wastewater

    In a few short weeks, TN Dept. of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) will decide on a permit submitted by the Brownsville Energy Authority (BEA) that would allow up to a BILLION gallons a year to be taken from our underground drinking water supply to service an auto industry. Such industries are proven polluters that would generate a BILLION gallons of industrial waste which would be treated and released into the Hatchie River HERE IN HAYWOOD COUNTY!

    The discharge into the Hatchie River would include several toxins and heavy metals, such as cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, silver, zinc and two forms of chromium, III and VI
(remember Erin Brockovitch). These metals can be absorbed into the food chain, and have major consequences on the wildlife and ultimately on humans as well.

    Another issue that has raised concern is that authorities have not completed an environmental impact statement.

    Several agencies have voiced concern over the waste water discharge.
  • The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency - (View Online)

Make your voice heard!
They don't win if we don't quit!
So, what can you do to help?
   TDEC is receiving public written comment which must be emailed by June 19th. 
Be sure to start your letter with your own personal attachment to the Hatchie River.

     1. Add "TN0062367 & TN0075078, Hatchie Scenic River Comment" to the title of your email.

     2. E-mail it to



Related Articles:

News Channel 7 article with video: Online 

Story from the Tennessean: Online

Copy of permit request TN0062367: Online 
Tennessee's Designated State Scenic Rivers: Online 
Article form Point5Digital By Joe Sills: Online
Article By Joe Sills regarding public hearing: Online  

Article about the Hatchie River from the Nature Conservancy: Online

The Last of an Important Ecosystem: Online

Conservation efforts from Hardeman County: Online 

Reasons to protect the Hatchie River: Online


Monday, September 12, 2011

Haywood County Family Resource Centers

Location#1 Anderson Campus

Truly a Gem in Haywood County! The mission of the Family Resource Center (FRC) is to involve parents in their children's education by offering fun, educational materials..... and best of all it's FREE and it's available to all Haywood County Residents. It works just like a library you check out up to 6 books or educational materials and return them the next week. You don't even have to have a kid in the Haywood County School System to participate, so if you homeschool or have a young one that's not school age yet, this place is for you.

The Family Resource Center has been in operation for over 17 years. Peggy Jackson was instrumental in getting the project growing, and now they have two locations serving Haywood County! UT Extension,  Haywood County & the Haywood County School System teamed up to create this awesome playground of educational materials.

Educational Materials include: books,  puzzles, movies, internet usage & Practice Classroom worksheets.

Location #1: (located on the grounds of Anderson Elementary) 

Anderson Campus
620 West Main St
Brownsville, TN
Hours Mon-Fri. 8am-3:30pm

The Coordinator at the Anderson Campus is Mrs. Ragan Baumheckel.

If you aren't already using the resource center, you're missing out on alot!

Location #2 (located on the grounds of Haywood Elementary- entrance at the back of the school)  
Haywood Elementary Campus
312 N. Grand Avenue Brownsville, TN 
Hours Mon-Fri. 8:30am-4pm

The Coordinator at the Haywood Elem Campus is Mrs. Bridget Dancy

Programs are offered at both locations:
  • Parent/child lending libraries-100's of materials for FREE loan to all residents of Haywood County. They also have Hispanic materials. 
  • Family Meetings- Parent/Child interactive fun held at the Anderson Location.
  • "Happy Hour for Parents" - "Come & Go" Fun held at both centers. 
  • "Circle-Time for Siblings & Tots" 
  • "Support group for parents of children with special needs"- Anderson Location
  • Free internet & classroom worksheets.
  • TCAP Practice Tests